Post Jobs & Internships
Do you have jobs and internships that you would like to make available to students and alumni?
The University Career Center is here to support you and your recruiting plans. We understand that many organizations are assessing their hiring needs and redesigning recruiting strategies in a fast-paced candidate-rich field. Our Employer Relations team will be happy to assist you in every step of the way in recruiting top candidates here at UT Dallas.
Handshake Account
The University Career Center is powered by Handshake, offering a robust platform for posting available positions, listing upcoming networking and recruiting events, and setting up virtual/on-campus interviews. Students/Alumni can view all job postings and apply to them based on the application options. The best part is your one account will allow you to interact with all institutions within the Handshake network.
Creating a Handshake Account
To get started you will need to create an account, create or connect to your company, and choose the schools you wish to connect with. Click the button below to get started, or see step-by-step instructions in the Handshake Help Center.
Existing Account Holders
If you already have an account on Handshake, but are not connected with The University of Texas at Dallas, you can follow these steps to request approval on behalf of your company. We approve all requests in the order they arrive.
Employer & Job Approvals
We have institutional guidelines for approving companies and individual job posting. The University Career Center at UT Dallas is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and adheres to and promotes its Principles for Employment Professionals.
We strongly encourage employers to compensate interns. Interns add significant value to your organization and a paid internship may also create a more competitive applicant pool. Companies posting unpaid internships must make it clear the position is unpaid and are encouraged to review the NACE position statement on U.S. internships and compensation and the criteria put forth by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Please see the best practices below to ensure your requests are not delayed.
More tips for virtual internships can be found on Handshake’s Guide to Hosting Virtual Internships.
Best Practices for Employer Profile Approval
In order to receive employer account approval in Handshake, the employer profile must be filled out completely and include:
- A complete physical business address
- A functioning company website
- An employer email that reflects, or is listed the company website, or domain (Personal email addresses are usually associated with fraudulent opportunities and therefore, not approved)
- A company phone number
Best Practices for Job Post Approval
Job listings or position descriptions posted in Handshake must include the following:
- Company information
- A detailed position description, including position responsibilities
- Candidate qualifications
- Duration of the position (temporary or permanent)
- Application start and end dates
- Compensation information (paid or unpaid)
Postings which include the following elements will not be approved:
- A position that requires financial investment, a fee for placement, or travel expenses
- An employment opportunity, which involves on-campus solicitation or on-campus sales (i.e., Campus/Brand Ambassadors, Campus Representatives)
- Advertisements for events, competitions or contests
- Requests for personal information prior to hire such as social security #, date of birth, home address, or photograph
- Work which takes place within the employer’s place of residence
- Doesn’t comply with Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
- Unpaid internship for any for-profit organization
- A position that requires door-to-door sales, canvassing, or mystery shopping
Please note that we are an equal opportunity University.